Consumer Behavior and Brand Prefernce Towards Parachute Hair Oil: An Empirical Study with Respect to Kottaym District of Kerala State Dr. Menon Sreekumar D. Sub Divisional Engineer(E4) Faculty Member, Regional Telecom Training Centre, BSNL Kaimanam, Trivandrum Online published on 25 May, 2016. Abstract Modern marketing begins with the customers not with production cost, sales, technology and marketing and it ends with customers’ satisfaction/delighted customers and well being. All human being whether male or female wants their hair to be look smart, thick lengthy etc. They are even ready to spend more to get a good hair growing oil. In market a lot of products are available which addresses the public that their product is superior in quality for growing the hair. Top Keywords Hair oil, Cocunut oil, quality, manufacturer etc. Top | |
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