Joint Forest Management Programme in India and Community participation Majhi Binodini Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Geography, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India Online published on 25 May, 2016. Abstract Forest conservation priorities cannot be determined in isolation from local people and broader patterns of natural resource use, and this must be complimented by policies promoting sustainable and equitable development of the natural resource base as a whole. In acknowledging this factor, the Ministry b cof Environment and Forests, Government of India issued policy guidelines for the involvement of village communities and voluntary agencies in the regeneration of degraded forest lands on 1 June 1990 under the Joint Forest Management (JFM) programme. The effective and meaningful involvement of local communities has been attempted under the Joint Forest Management System in India by linking socio-economic incentives and forest development. JFM, then, appears to be a workable system not only in providing for subsistence needs, but also potentially providing income-generating opportunities, and of course aiding in the regeneration of forests. In this context the present paper tries to review the process of JFM and factors promoting community participation for forest management under the regime of JFM in India. Top Keywords Community participation, Joint Forest Management, Forest, Natural Resource Management, India. Top | |
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