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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 280) Last page : ( 292)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Influence of Whatsapp on Study Habit of University Students in Ghana

Appiah Michael Karikari

The Director, Brain-Trust Research PVT Limited, Box Ks 16184, Adum-Kumasi, Ghana

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


The advent of whatsapp is gradually eluding student's engagement with other social media platforms notably Facebook. The objective of this study is to contribute togeneral body of knowledge in Information and Communication Technology by assessing the influence of whatsapp on the study habit of University students in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. Using a descriptive research design and a quota sampling approach 200 respondents were selected from four universities comprising two each from public and private for the study. Data for the study emanated from both primary and secondary sources. Structured questionnaire was the main instrument used in gathering primary data. The field data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for windows and MS Excel. The findings revealed that 46.7% of the students frequently use whatsapp ten or more times per day. 40% spend between 15 to 30 minutes on each visit, 20% spend between 30 to 45 minutes during each visit. 40% use whatsapp on campusand during lectures, 33.3% use whatsApp in their hostels. The reasons for whatsApp uses include; studying, for group discussion, networking, sharing contents (news, videos and photos), experience or insight, killing loneliness, for politics, doing business and establishing romantic relationship. Majority (60%) admitted further that surfing whatsapp has affected their academic studies incalculably. Health wise 33.3% do feel back pain, 26.7% do feel shoulder pains. Vast majority (66.7%) indicated that they sometimes feel headache, 60% claimed that they experience eye irritation. 66.7% of the respondents claimed that sometimes they do experience financial restrictions and hardships. Theplights of these students warrant national policy on cyber regulation from Ghana's Minister of Communication, National Media Commission and National Communication Authority including Council for Tertiary Education to avert Social Media scourge. Moreover, Parents, Guardians, Lectures and Students Councilors have a role in this.



Whatsapp, Social Media, Study Habit, Influence, University Students.


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