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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 202) Last page : ( 209)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Students t-test to assess the role of Aptitude classes for Placement among Engineering Students

Mitra K1, Samartha Vishal2, Kumar Sunil3

1Head, Department of Mathematics, Sahyadri college of Engineering & Management, Mangalore-575007, Karnataka, India

2Director, Department of Business Administration, Sahyadri college of Engineering & Management, Mangalore-575007, Karnataka, India

3Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sahyadri college of Engineering & Management, Mangalore-575007, Karnataka, India

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


Little empirical evidence exists regarding student's perceptions of aptitude classes in placement among Engineering students and effect of these perceptions on deciding whether aptitude class becomes the most important soft skill for placement. The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of students regarding aptitude classes. The study separately examines the student's perceptions between different class students. Questionnaire has been used, group means were assessed using independent samples t-tests to understand factors influencing perceived student perception about aptitude classes towards placement. Responses from 280 engineering students from two different classes with four different branches indicate that overall student perception of aptitude classes towards placement is found to be good to excellent which is a better perception and positive approach by the students. Further student perception score shows that aptitude class plays a major role in placement.



student perception, aptitude, placement, domain, Engineering students.


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