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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 195) Last page : ( 201)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Situation Analysis of Resource Poor of Watershed Cluster of Wardha District of Maharashtra

Dr. Yadava Neelam

Assistant Professor, TISS, Tuljapur campus, Osmanabad, Maharashtra

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


The geographical area that collects all the water that falls on it into a single stream or river is called a watershed. A watershed is a natural demarcation of the land, and the appropriate unit for many development activities. Augmented natural resources from watershed development are expected to contribute towards improved livelihood opportunities for all strata and stakeholders. Very few studies are based on rigorous benchmarks established beforehand and rely on recall and perception of respondents of change or impact. Also, the multiplicity of studies looking at the short-term impacts is not matched by studies looking at the long-term impacts of watershed programs, whether biophysical or socio-economic. The income of the community members has increased to some extent but watershed activities have been unable to make much visible impact in enhancing employment opportunities. It was found from the study that majority of the households across all the study areas had reported slight improvement in their standard of living. The benefits of WSD have not been fully translated into disposable income or net gains to improve the standard of living. The watershed project has not made a significant impact on improving the socio-economic condition of the resource poor.


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