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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 188) Last page : ( 194)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Acquaintance and Acceptance of Okra Proficiency in Ancestral Farmers of South Gujarat

Dr. Chauhan Nikulsinh M.

Principal, Polytechnic in Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Vyara-394 650, Disttapi, Gujarat, India

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


The study was cramped to 20 villages of Tapi district of South Gujarat with the sample size of 300 okra growers. Results pointed in the direction of that the okra growers in majority aware enhanced cultivation practices of okra and had acceptance to the moderate extent as per their capacity and timely availability of the obligatory information. Table-1 exposed that more than two-third of okra growers possessed complete knowledge about recommended practices like Use of improved seed, Seed rate, Sowing time and Irrigation management. A critical look at the data presented in Table-2 clearly divulged that more than 50 per cent of the okra growers adopted completely the recommended practices like, sowing time, use of improved seed, irrigation management, picking, storage and PHT measures, harvesting and storage measures and crop rotation. The study highlights that there are various constraints which affect the process of adoption, however, few of them are most important one which affect the extent of adoption of recommended production technology of okra. The most importance constraints were weed control through ‘herbicides is technically complex phenomenon’, ‘lack of knowledge about improved technologies of seed, weedicides and plant protection measures’, ‘absence of assured marketing at remunerative price and appropriate insurance policy facility’, ‘lack of operational skill in the plant protection equipments’ and ‘Frost, high wind velocity and low temperature affect the growth of crop and productivity ’, ‘unavailability of inputs at the time of peak season’ and ‘lack of water policy decided by the government’. Moreover, it was evident that with the increase in knowledge and adoption there is decrease in number of constraints face by okra growers. The systematic and scientific information should be conveyed to the okra growers to conquer their constraints and also for sustainable, profit-making off-season okra cultivation in the district.


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