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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 77) Last page : ( 82)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Student-teachers perceptions towards Blended Learning Approach in Critical Understanding of ICT in Education

Dr. Angadi G. R.

Assistant Professor, BLDEA's JSS College of Education, P. G. Studies and Research Centre in Education, Vijayapur-586101

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


Globalization and technology are continually altering our views of education and offering new opportunities for learning and engagement in life. Technology such as web conferencing, the Ultranet, blogs/wikis, virtual worlds and online gaming and mobile devices such as iPods, mobile phones, digital cameras and voice recorders are changing the way teachers teach and the way students learn. Technology enables learning to extend beyond the classroom walls and facilitates better access to learning resources. It also supports the creation of partnerships with the wider school community and equips learners with contemporary skills necessary for successful participation in life. Blended learning approaches have amplified the need for school leaders, teachers, students and the wider community to take advantage of learning opportunities afforded through improved personalization, collaboration, and communication enabled by learning technologies. Blended learning has many different forms and will continue to evolve as new technology and practices are introduced. It should not be viewed as a single model but as an approach that shares the ultimate goal of the provision of better educational experiences and outcomes. The main aim of the study is to find out the B. Ed. Student-teachers perceptions towards Blended Learning in Teaching and learning of Critical Understanding of ICT in Education. Survey method was employed for this study. The investigator has chosen 80 B. Ed. Student-teachers for this study. Finally the investigator inferred that more number of B. Ed. Student-teachers has moderate level of perception towards blended learning, there is no significant difference in perception towards blended learning among the B. Ed. Student-teachers with respect to their gender and there is no significant difference in perception towards blended learning among the B. Ed. Student-teachers with respect to their level of study in terms of e-learning, t-learning, online learning, b-learning and in total.



Blended Learning Approach, Student-teachers, Perception and Critical Understanding of ICT in Education.


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