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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 40) Last page : ( 50)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Assessment of Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Potency of Chromium by use of Allium Cepa L. in Gomti River Water Contaminated with Heavy Metal

Singh Preety

P.G., Department of Zoology, B.S.N.V.P.G. College, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh, India

Online published on 25 May, 2016.


Rapid strides in industrialization with incomplete sewage treatment system has caused a great environmental and ecological concern. In this paper the Allium cepa L. biotest was used to assess the toxicological tendency of water samples of Gomti river water and to evaluate the cyto/genotoxicological potency of Chromium, experimentally added to analyzed natural waters. The Chromium toxic effective concentration EC-50 assessed by using K2Cr2O7 and a preliminary root growth inhibition test for 96h and then onion root were grown for 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h in river samples mixed with three doses, representing the corresponding ¼ EC-50, 1/2 EC-50 and EC-50 Chromium concentration. There were evaluated some microscopic end points of onion root grown in experimental samples: mitotic index, chromosomal aberration rate and types. There was noted a certain differences of cytogenetic endpoints, demonstrated a possible amelioration of river water quality. The results showed obvious Cr concentration dependence: cyto/genotoxicological effects on root cells came increasing with increasing Cr concentration. Mitotic index decrease as well as concentration increase. Chromosomal aberration induced in the onion root tip cells were mostly sticky chromosome and bridges. Chromosome with disturbed spindle and fragment were also present in appreciable amounts. Being a sensitive, short term and low cost alternative, the Allium test and in general the bioassay should be an integral tool in quality monitoring of water bodies. The finding in this study indicate that there are toxic chemical present in the river.



Water Pollution, River Gomti, Allium cepa L, Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity, Chromium.


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