Conceptual Paper on Leveraging Microfinance Antony Asha P Phd Scholar at Mother Teresa Women's University Online published on 25 May, 2016. Abstract MF is to reach financial exclude, unbanked population. This paper deals with the conceptualization of Leveraging MF concept. MF is leveraged for sustainable financial inclusion, for poverty alleviation and for bringing social inclusion among MF clients. The paper delineates the concept of leveraging Microfinance, transformation in concept of Microfinance, and it also state the empirical link between MF leverage and financial inclusion. The motivation to conceptualize the concept is due to research gap observed in the area of leverage. There is possibility of mis1-conceptualizing the concept as synonymous of impact assessments Leveraging is a strategy or its action based (action taken or service provide to more inclusiveness, for increasing clients capability to use microfinance) and impact is the result of leveraging. Leveraging MF positively liberates the clients from all exclusions and in-capabilities associated with poorest MF Clients, to enable maximum and intended use of MF resource leading to sustainable inclusion. Top | |
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