Qualitative Assessment of river Gomti in Lucknow emphasizing the trace metal: A report of winter season Singh Preety P.G., Department of Zoology, B.S.N.V.P.G. College, Lucknow-226001, (U.P.), India Online published on 25 May, 2016. Abstract Gomti river receives industrial as well as domestic wastes from various drains of Lucknow city. In the process the water of the river Gomti get contaminated with heavy metals and other pollutants. A study was made for water quality assessment of Gomti river(Lucknow city stretch) at five sampling stations viz. Gau ghat, Pakka pul, Daliganj bridge, Nishatganj bridge, Pipra ghat. Eight physico-chemical parameters along with eight heavy metals were analysed to assess the impact of effluents on water quality. Among the metal studied Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn showed the lower concentration, which was below the permissible limit for drinking water prescribed by Bureau of Indian standards (BIS). Result of present study are indicative of deteriorating life sustaining quality of river water as well as its non suitability for domestic consumption. Possible effects of water quality on aquatic life as well as possible remedial measures have also been discussed. Top Keywords trace metal, River Gomti, Pollution. Top |