International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences Year 2014, Volume-4, Issue-2 (February) Online ISSN : 2249-7382
Table of contents
Long range correlation in behaviour of BSE sensex indices and Indian rupeeNandardhane Pramod
Gandhian perspective of socialism (Relevance in contemporary India)Sonu Kapila
National rural employment guarantee Act (NREGA) and management of water resources: a study in Nagapattinam district, Tamil NaduDr. K. Damodaran
Science and technology in the fictional works of Issac AsimovDr. Anupam Bansal
SAARC and SAFTADr. (Smt.) Gunjan Tripathi
International political economy: perspective on globalizationDr. Sunita Dwivedi
Survival status and ecology of Crocodylus palustris lesson in Bhor Shahidan crocodile sanctuary, Haryana IndiaPardeep Kumar
“Womens entrepreneurship: A tool for the women empowerment in India“Jyoti
Professionalism in teaching: An assessment of higher educationSomraj
EGO and unprofessional demeanour keep characters battling Ind H Lawrence's worksSatbir Singh, Dr Vijender Singh Tanwar
Critical study of innovations and experiments in the plays of Girish KarnadAnita, Parul Mishra