Study of linguistic deviations used in advertising slogans of confectionery and beverages in India Sharma Ruchika*, Dr. Sharma Sangeeta** *Lecturer, Humanities and Social Science Department, BITS, Pilani **Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Science Department, BITS, Pilani Online published on 21 April, 2016. Abstract A slogan becomes a mode of identification for any product, in the minds of the consumers, when a brand or company uses it consistently to represent or to advertise that product. Primary aim of a slogan of advertisement is to attract attention and the copywriters who create them use various devices to achieve this purpose. One of the predominant device used by them is liberal use of linguistic deviations. The catchy slogans captivate attention of every consumer segment especially children. The studies investigating the creative aspect of ads dealing with products related to children is very scarce. This paper aims at carrying out the content analysis of different types of linguistic deviations used in advertising messages of confectionery and beverages in India. This investigations reveals that grammatical deviations are majorly used as it provides ample creative liberty to create catchy and innovative slogans. Overall all the types of deviations are found in every advertising slogan. Top Keywords Advertisement, Linguistic deviations, Copywriters. Top | |
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