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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 9
First page : ( 383) Last page : ( 395)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

Perceptions on the impact of language used by male and female administrators as a tool for negotiating power in Zimbabwe's institutions of higher learning: A case of bulawayo province

Ngwenya-Mguni Qabukani*, Chisango Fortune Future T.**

*Part time Lecturer, Zimbabwe Open University

**Program Coordinator/Lecturer, Zimbabwe Open University

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


This study sought to analyse the language used by male and female administrators as a tool of negotiating power in institutions of higher learning of Zimbabwe. The research assessed the nature of language used by administrators and how this had a bearing on the type of leader one becomes. Descriptive survey design method was used. Four institutions of higher learning comprising two colleges and two universities were used. Subordinates and administrators were chosen to be respondents of the research questioner. Stratified sampling based on gender, organizational hierarchy and academic status was found to be convenient in sampling the research subjects. Simple descriptive qualitative analysis aided by graphical and tabulation presentations were used to analyse data. The major findings were that differences exist in the way male and female leaders use language to negotiate power. Some of these differences emanate from gendered societal language use. These differences were observed to be impacting on the leadership style one employs in their leadership career. It is therefore imperative that there is need for change of attitude in the modern society where male language should not be considered as a yardstick to judge women's language when negotiating power. Women leaders should harmonize their authority with the language they use for them to save as effective leaders.



Administration, Institutions of higher learning, Language, Management & Power.


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