Pitfalls in wildlife co-management a legal and policy issue: A case of Sinyerere location in Trans-Nzoia County-Kenya Nyaroo Silass, Jane Wekesa Nelima Mount Kenya University, School of Postgraduate Studies, Eldoret, Kenya Online published on 21 November, 2013. Abstract The legal and policy framework that endeavor to protect wildlife in and outside protected areas should explain to the local people the importance of those habitats. The policies and laws in place should be categorical on reasons for use, regulations, impending dangers and benefits expected from the regulatory framework and seek to promote coexistence of various stakeholders in wildlife conservation. Were these laws and policies sufficient? What were the feelings of the locals on existing legislations? The paper wanted to ascertain the sufficiency in laws and policies that promoted community involvement in wildlife conservation among the communities that lived adjacent to Saiwa Swamp National Park. The research adopted descriptive survey design and used a sample size of 254 from a target population of 2538 by simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The data was tallied, organized and its frequencies and percentages calculated and presented in form of tables and bar charts with the assistance of SPSS (Statistical Programme for Social Sciences) computer software. On a higher degree, the research found out that laws and policies were doing little in promoting local community involvement in wildlife conservation in Sinyerere location and the locals were of the view that new legislation be put in place to revitalize the conservation sector. Data from the research pointed out that proper and genuine legislation was lacking in refereeing competing interests in the study area. Top Keywords Legal and policy framework, wildlife conservation, community involvement. Top | |
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