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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 9
First page : ( 93) Last page : ( 109)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

A study on Electoral Reforms and Challenges of India

 Mahesh*, Dr.  Sannaswamy**

*Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Kempegowda Institute of Management and Research, Srigandadakal, Nagarabhavi, Bangalore

**Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Sree Siddaganga College for Women, BH Road, Tumkur

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


This paper analyzes the process of reform of India's federal system, with a focus on fiscal federalism. We first summarize the basic features of, and recent reforms in intergovernmental relations, including the role of political institutions, assignments of expenditure responsibility and revenue authority, the system of intergovernmental transfers, and institutions and mechanisms for government borrowing. We then discuss the institutional specifics of the reform process, to understand the dynamics of India's federal system. ‘Electoral reforms’ is an issue of great interest to all sections of the people. There have been a lot of complaints that the present electoral system in India is defective in many ways and does not ensure a fair opportunity to every candidate. Money power, soaring election expenditure, Corruption and other electoral malpractices distort the electorate's verdict.



Election, Election Commission, People, Democracy, Electoral Reforms, decentralization, intergovernmental relations, economic reform.


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