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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 10
First page : ( 280) Last page : ( 294)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

‘Women's Contribution in Primary Education in Ahmedabad district (Econometrics analysis)1

Satija Kalpana*, Dangi Yogita**

*Associate Professor, SPIESR

**Associate Teacher, St. Kabir School, Ahmedabad

1Present study is a part of ongoing PhD work, PhD topic is “Empirical study on women's contribution in socio-economic development in Ahmedabad district” Ms. Yogita Dangi doing PhD from Pacific University, Udaipur

JEL Classification: I, I21, I25

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


Women have provided innumerable contribution in economy in India especially in education and healthcare sector. In response to the education central and state government has set up special schemes and programmes related to women in India. This study presents how women contributing in primary education and being a part of human development progression. Present paper illustrates women's contribution in six fundamental indicators of primary education. The study provides the details of male and female weight factor score in primary education and trying to exemplify generation gap in primary education through econometric analysis. We give rank to all the Taluka according to women performance in primary education for that we obtain Principal Component Analysis finding the result. Ahmedabad city and Bavla comes in 1st and 2nd rank whereas Barvala and Detroj-Rampura comes on 10th and 11th rank in primary education.



Primary education of Ahmedabad district, gender wise indicators performance, women's contribution in primary education by econometric analysis.


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