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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 10
First page : ( 125) Last page : ( 141)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

Spatial variation in level of agricultural development in Aligarh District of Western Uttar Pradesh (India)

Dr. Khan Kazma, Prof Munir Abdul

Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, A.M.U, Aligarh, U.P, India

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


In the present paper an attempt has been made to find out the spatial variation in the adaptation of improved agricultural practices to ascertain the level of agricultural development in Aligarh district of western Uttar Pradesh. The study is based on the block-wise published data obtained from Statistical Bulletin of Aligarh district. The spatial variation of agricultural development is determined with the help of thirteen variables viz; cropping intensity, irrigation intensity, percentage of net irrigated area to net sown area, percentage area under food-crops to gross sown area, percentage of fertilizers consumption per hectare of gross area, percentage of agricultural workers to the main workers, percentage of literate persons, percentage of electrified villages, length of roads per lakh of population and number of junior primary school, senior primary school and higher secondary school. Beside this, the development of blocks are taken with their respective categories viz. high, medium and low on the basis of scores (like mean SD) of these variables. These analyses have been carried out by transforming and combining the data related to thirteen variables, using ‘Z’ score to get the composite score. On the basis of Composite Score, developments of blocks have been again categorized into three categories i.e. high, medium and low. Results of the aforesaid analysis shows that the modern technological inputs have reciprocal relationship with agricultural development in the study area.



Cropping intensity, Irrigation intensity, Agricultural workers, Development blocks, Agricultural development.


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