Comparative study of communicative language teaching and grammar translation method of teaching english at higher secondary level Dr. Shahzad Saqib, Dr. Ghazi Safder Rehman, Dr. Qadeer Muhammad Zaigham, Khan Irfan Ullah Online published on 21 November, 2013. Abstract The main purpose of this experimental study was to compare the effectiveness and impact of Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Translation Method at higher secondary level in subject of English. It was hypothesized that there would be no significance difference between Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Translation Method of teaching English at higher secondary level in technical education. Main objectives of the study were: To determine the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Translation Method of teaching English on the academic achievement of student. To compare the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Translation Method of teaching English at higher secondary level. To compare the learning competencies/abilities of the students taught through Communicative Language Teaching and students who received through Grammar Translation Method. The result of the study clearly showed the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching on the academic achievement of students as compare to Grammar Translation Method. The study comprised the students reading in private technical institute in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. As sample of 50 student's class 1st year of Bannu Polytechnic Institute was evenly balanced. In order to collect data from sample of students a pre-test in English was developed and personally administered by the researcher. The sample students were divided into two groups experimental and control group; each group was having 25 students. Experimental group was taught through Communicative Language Teaching while control group was taught through Grammar Translation Method. The data obtained was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using appropriate tests of significance, such as mean, standard deviation, t-test and coefficient of variation. The level of significance was 0.05. On the basis of results it was concluded that Communicative Language Teaching is more significant as compare to Grammar Translation Method. Top Keywords Impact, Communicative Language Teaching, Students, Academic Achievement. Top | |
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