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International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 10
First page : ( 36) Last page : ( 43)
Online ISSN : 2249-5894.

An evaluation of the physico – chemical and bacteriological parameters of “ Ogene” (Pond) water found in Igbo-Eze South and north local government areas of Enugu State, South East Nigeria

Eze C.N.*, Agusiegbe U.M.*, Ogboi K.C.*, Eze I. C.**

*Centre for Environmental Management and Control, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

**Department of Microbiology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Online published on 21 November, 2013.


Physico- chemical and bacteriological assessment were carried out on ‘Ogene’ (pond) water – a man made flood and runoff catch pit commonly found in towns and villages around Igboeze north and south Local government areas of Enugu state. This man made water body is used as an alternative source of water supply during the dry season. The results obtained were compared with World Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal ministry of Environment (FME) standards for drinking and recreational water. Total Dissolved solids (TDS), Total solid (TS) and pH values obtained were within the recommended limits set by these bodies while Turbidity and conductivity were well above the prescribed limits.

The results also show that the water samples contain E.coli, Staphylococcus aures, micrococcus spp, klebsiella spp, Bacillus spp, Actinomycess and Enterobacter spp. The presence of these pathogens cast serious doubt about the suitability of Ogene water for human consumption.



Physico-chemical, Bacteriological, Pathogens, Contamination, water supply.


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