A study of the attitude and television viewing behaviour of farm women towards farm telecast programmes of Chennai Door Darshan Dr. Meenakshisundaram K.S. Ph.D, Associate Professor, Head, CAA, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai Online published on 21 November, 2013. Abstract Communication is vital for development. Communication at right time to the right audience will alone help for development. Farmers were presented with farm programmes in television to update their knowledge and it was interesting to know how the farm women react to the farm programme. Hence a research was conducted tostudy the television viewing behaviour of farm women and their attitude towards television. The relationship of characteristics of farm women with their viewing behaviour, their attitude towards television, reasons for viewing and non-viewing of the farm television programmes, and the suggestions of farm women to make the farm telecast more effective are the various dimensions of the study. A sample of sixty farm women was contacted to collect the data through a well-structured interview schedule and the data were subjected to analysis with statistical tools. Top Keywords Farm Television Programmes, Farm women, Viewing Behaviour, Attitude towards farm programmes. Top | |
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