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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year 2005, Volume-40, Issue-2 (August)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529

Table of contents

Research Articles

A simple speedy method to estimate sperm counts for semen dilution under field conditions in chicken (Gallus domesticus)
Getnet Zelleke, R.P. Moudgal, Asefaasmare

Genetic and phenotypic parameters for immunocompetence traits in broilers
M. Nath, B.P. Singh, V.K. Saxena, A.K. Dev Roy, R.V. Singh

Inheritance of leg and toe defects and its association with juvenile body weights in two strains of broilers
Jaideep Singh, I.S. Bajwa, Bhupinder Singh

Effect of replacing maize by mesquite pods (Prosopis juliflora) on the performance of broilers
R.S. Choudhary, J.K. Vaishnav, R. Nehra

Performance of broiler chicken as affected by replacement of starter ration with mixed tree leaves meal
K.C. Das, S. Malik, P. Prabhakaran, H.C. Kalita

Effect of microbial phytase on the performance of broilers fed on low phosphorus diets
P. Kanagaraju, Jalaludeen, P. Anitha

Effect of supplemental prebiotic, probiotic and turmeric in diet on the performance of broiler chicks during summer
Manish Kumar, R.S. Choudhary, J.K. Vaishnav

Effects of antioxidants on body weight, cloacal gland and foam production in male Japanese quail
A. Biswas, J. Mohan, K.V.H. Sastry, J.S. Tyagi

Studies on haematological parameters of ducks during prelaying and peak production periods
B. Swathi, K.G. Sudhamayee

Studies on clinical signs, body weight and haematological changes in cockerel following sodium chloride intoxication
Narendra Kumar, L.N. Prasad, S.R.P. Sinha, Nirbhay Kumar Singh

Biochemical and immunological effects of dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1 in broiler chicks
S. Sodhi, A.P.S. Brar, Jyotika Kapur Ghai, R.S. Brar

Effects of pre-incubation storage of eggs on incubation traits in divergent lines of Japanese quails
Samita Saini, G.S. Brah, M.L. Chaudhary

Evaluation of the efficacy of pressed rice flour as extender in chicken patties
R.R. Kumar, B.D. Sharma

Development and shelf-life of egg crepes as influenced by packaging and storage
N.K. Pandey, A.S. Yadav

Short Communications

Utilization of tallow and rice bran oil in feeding broilers
M.R. Purushothaman, P. Vasan, B. Mohan, R. Ravi

Effect of replacing soybean meal protein with sunflower seed meal in iso-nitrogenous diets on the performance of laying quails
A.K. Shrivastav, T.S. Johri

Effect of dietary methomin as a counteracting agent in experimental aflatoxicosis of broilers
D. Sapcota, R. Islam, K.K. Baruah

Effect of antioxidants on immune response in Japanese quail
A. Biswas, J. Mohan, K.V.H. Sastry, J.S. Tyagi

Effect of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed cake on feed efficiency and blood biochemical constituents of broilers
Meenakshi Virmani, Sandeep Gera, Jyotsana Madan, S.K. Kalra

Backyard poultry farming in Garhwal Himalayas
C.B. Singh, M.H. Jilani

Growth performance and feed consumption pattern of pigeon reared in different housing systems and feeding regimes
J.P. Bordoloi, A. Haque

Standardization of chicken gizzard pickle using sodium tripolyphosphate and papain as tenderizer
R.K. Grover, D.P. Sharma, S.S. Ahlawat

Study of Ascaridia galli prevalence in area surrounding Pantnagar
Rakesh Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, A. K. Upadhyay, S. K. Shukla

Evidence of Chlamydophila psittaci in monal (Lophophorus impejanus) state bird of Himachal Pradesh
Sandeep Rattan, R.C. Katoch, Mandeep Sharma, Madhumeet Singh, Prasenjit Dhar

Biological characterization of the “MB” strain of IBD virus in chick embryo fibroblast cell culture
Subrat Kumar, H.K. Panda, B.K. Panda


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