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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year 2004, Volume-39, Issue-2 (August)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529

Table of contents

Research Article

Standardization of injection site, needle length, embryonic age and concentration of amino acids for in ovo injection in broiler breeder eggs
S.K. Bhanja, A.B. Mandal, T.S. Johri

Growth and carcass characteristics of selected and control lines of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
S.K. Dhaliwal, M.L. Chaudhary, G.S. Brahand, J.S. Sandhu

Performance evaluation and construction of multi-trait selection indices in a commercial strain of White Leghorn
S.K. Singh, R.K. Sharma, Harpal Singh, D. Kumar

Growth, nutrient utilization and immunecompetence in broiler chicken fed probiotic, gut acidifier and antibacterial compounds
S.V. Ramarao, M.R. Reddy, M.Y.L.N. Raju, A.K. Panda

Growth performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens as influenced by feeding of finger millet
Pramod K. Tyagi, A.B. Mandal, A.V. Elangovan, Praveen Ktyagi, A.K. Johri, Sarabmeet Kaur

Effect of dietary supplementation of Lactobacillus in Japanese quail
S. Senani, Jai Sunder, S.P.S. Ahlawat, S.K. Saha, A. Kundu, R.N. Chatterjee, R.B. Rai, A.K. Singh, S.P. Yadav

Effect of tofu addition on physico-chemical and storage properties of cooked chicken meat patties
N.K. Nayak, Y.K. Tanwar

Short Communications

Multi-trait selection indices for genetic improvement in broiler line for feed efficiency
A K Pandey, R V Singh

Inheritance of conformation score and its effect on body weight and growth rate in broilers
Jaideep Singh, I.S. Bajwa, Bhupinder Singh

Direct and correlated responses for economic traits in RIR
Anil Kumar, R.K. Sharma

Comparative studies on growth characters in inbred and control populations of White Leghorn
P.K. Sharma, S.K. Verma, R.K. Sharma, S.K. Singh

Inter-relationship among growth and conformation traits of guinea fowl
Vivek Porwal, Brejesh Singh, R.K. Sharma, Himanshu Pandey

Comparative performance and nutrient utilization in pearl, white and lavender varieties of guinea fowl during cold season
A.B. Mandal, Harpreet Singh, G.S. Bisht, N.N. Pathak

Effect of processing of feeds by pelleting, extrusion cooking and expander extrusion on the performance of layers
A.R. Nageswara, V. Ramasubbareddy, A.S. Keshav Reddy

Livfit and AV/HTP/36 feeding and performance of broilers
N.V. Jadhav, P.G. Waghmare, C.B. Madhavprasad, B. Ramchandra, U.S. Biradar, S.S. Honnappagol

Simultaneous use of apple pomace and molasses as a source of energy for broiler
Gulam Ahmad Bhat

Performance and haemobiochemical profile of broilers fed on supplementation of shatavari (Asparagus racemosus willd.) root powder
D.H. Rekhate, Smita Ukey, A.P. Dhok

Studies on carcass quality parameters of indigenous birds of A & N islands
Jai Sunder, R.B. Rai, A. Kundu, R.N. Chatterjee, A.K. Singh, S.K. Saha, S. Senani, B. Ganesh Kumar, S.P. Yadav

Effect of strain on physical egg quality characteristics in White Leghorn layers
K. Sakunthala Dev, P. Mahipal Reddy

A study on the profitability of raising broiler under semi-intensive system in rural areas
R. Deka, N. Barua, N. Kalita

Economics of broiler raising
Devesh Pant, Shive Kumar, S.K. Singh, D. Kumar

Direct detection of viral genome and histopathological studies of bursal tissues collected from an infectious bursal disease suspected outbreak
A.K. Shrivastav, Minakshi, Swati Dahiya, N. K. Mahajan


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