Direct detection of viral genome and histopathological studies of bursal tissues collected from an infectious bursal disease suspected outbreak Shrivastav A.K.1, Minakshi, M.V.Sc. student, Dahiya Swati, Mahajan N. K.2 Department of Animal Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Sciences, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 004 (Haryana). 1 RAU, Rajasthan. 2 Dept. of Vety. Epidemiology, CCSHAU, Hisar. Abstract Bursal samples of broilers suspected of infectious bursal disease (180) outbreak were collected from two poultry farms of Rajasthan, India during March 2003. Bursal samples were processed for histopathological studies and for viral RNA extraction. On microscopic examination, bursa showed massive depletion of lymphocytes alongwith severe congestion and hemorrhages in the bursal follicles. To detect the infectious bursal disease virus (180V) RNA in the bursa, 10% bursal extract was made and RNA was extracted from this bursal extract by sodium dodecyl sulphate: phenol chloroform method. The two segments of RNA of IBDV were appreciated on 8% polyacrylamide gel after silver staining. The RNA of bursal samples from both the farms exhibited similar migration pattern on the polyacrylamide gel indicating the presence of similar molecular weights of bisegmented double stranded RNA typical of 180 virus. Top Key words Infectious bursal disease, histopathology, RNA-PAGE, bisegmented RNA. Top | | |
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