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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year : 2004, Volume : 39, Issue : 2
First page : ( 185) Last page : ( 189)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529.

Studies on carcass quality parameters of indigenous birds of A & N islands

Sunder Jai, Rai R.B., Kundu A., Chatterjee R.N., Singh A.K., Saha S.K., Senani S., Kumar B. Ganesh, Yadav S.P.

Division ofAnimal Science CARI, Port Blair - 744 101 (A&N Islands).

Received:  20  January,  2003; Accepted:  15  April,  2004.


A study was undertaken to assess the carcass quality and physico-chemical parameters of indigenous birds including Black Nicobari, Brown Nicobari and Barred desi birds of A & N Islands. For this study five birds from each breed were slaughtered at 22 weeks ofage. The birds were bled, plucked and later weighed to determine blood and feather losses, carcasses were then eviscerated and weight ofdressed carcass were precisely recorded. The different cut up parts viz. leg, back, and breast were further analysed for different phsico-chemical and mineral (Ca, P) studies. Higher live weight and dressing weight were observed in Black Nicobari compared to Brown Nicobari and Barred desi birds. Significant differences were observed in dressing weight, dressing and blood loss percentage among the three breeds. However no significant differences were observed in live weight, giblet weight feather loss and head feet percentage among the three breeds. Significant differences were observed for thigh weight, wing weight and wing percentage. Significant differeI\ces were also observed for moisture ether extract and ash percentage among three different breeds and parts. In case of crude protein significant difference was observed in three different cut up parts viz. leg back and breast but no significant difference was observed in three different breeds. The result ofcalcium and phosphorous percentage revealed no significant difference among three different breeds and parts. The study indicated that the Black Nicobari birds performed better and showed good results when compared to other indigenous breeds. However, there was not much difference observed between the Black and Brown Nicobari but from the result it can be interpreted that the Black Nicobari was found to be more suitable for carcass quality parameters and reflects good scope for table purpose.


Key words

Indigenous fowls, carcass quality, cut up parts, physico-chemical parameters.


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