Comparative studies on growth characters in inbred and control populations of White Leghorn Sharma P.K., Verma S.K., Sharma R.K., Singh S.K. Department of Genetics & Animal Breeding, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (UA) Abstract Data from 342 pullets of inbred and 174 females of control line under 20 and 16 sires, respectively of White Leghorn strain maintained at Poultry Research Centre of G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar were analyzed for day old, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24-week body weights and their averages were 33.80±0.17, 157.37±1.l3, 359.29±2.00, 606.07±3.20, 741.06±5.37, 920.88±6.69 and 1198.31±10.28g, in inbred and 36.46±0.29, 149.00±2.45, 360.58±5.58, 638.74±9.18, 807.51±1O.68, 943.11±14.81 and 1132.05±17.23 g, in control lines, respectively. The heritability estimates for the above traits were found as 0.47±0.23, 0.30±0.16, 0.18±0.l2, 0.30±0.14, 0.21±0.l3, 0.30±0.14 and 0.65±0.24 in inbred and 0.16±0.18, 0.05±0.22, -0.27±0.09, 0.02±0.18, 0.29±0.30, 0.54±0.30, and 0.52±0.38, respectively in control line. Most of the traits were desirably associated with each other on genetic and phenotypic scales except few ones. Top Key words Genetic studies, inbred, body weights, heritability, correlations, White Leghorn. Top |