Inheritance of conformation score and its effect on body weight and growth rate in broilers* Singh Jaideep, Bajwa I.S., Singh Bhupinder Deptt. of Animal Breeding and Genetics Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Pb) * Part of M.V.Sc. thesis submitted by first author. Abstract Pedigreed 3005 and 2663 broiler chicks of two growth selected strains were assessed individually for breast conformation score (CS) at six-weeks of age and subjective scores awarded. The experiment was designed to compare live weight and growth measurements of broilers of two strains (PB-I and PB-2), at three ages (4,5 and 6-weeks) and four conformation scores (CS-1 to 4; 1 representing angular and 4 almost rounded breast) classifications. The heritability estimates obtained for CS were moderate to quite low in both the strains. Significant differences were found for body weights between different CS groups at 4,5 and 6-weeks age. Sexual dimorphism for body weights was also significant within each CS-category except CS-1 and the differences between the two sexes widened with the improvement in CS. Percent relative growth was higher at 4–5 than 5–6 weeks age interval. Even though the percent gain in body weights was higher in better CS groups, the percent relative growth did not indicate such trends. Top Key words Breast conformation score, heritability estimates and sexual dimorphism. Top | | |
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