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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year : 2004, Volume : 39, Issue : 2
First page : ( 136) Last page : ( 141)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529.

Effect of dietary supplementation of Lactobacillus in Japanese quail

Senani S., Sunder Jai, Ahlawat S.P.S., Saha S.K., Kundu A., Chatterjee R.N., Rai R.B., Singh A.K., Yadav S.P.

Division ofAnimal Science Central Agricultural Research Institute, P.E. No. 181, Port Blair - 744 101 (A&N Islands)

Received:  7  December,  2002; Accepted:  20  April,  2004.


In one hundred twenty unsexed quail crucks the effect of feeding Lactobacillus acidophilus as probiotics was investigated. Daily oral administration of three strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus @ 0.1 ml containing 120 x 106 cfu/ml was studied for growth rate, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, change in pH of intestinal flora and production performance upto 9 weeks of age. The pH of crop, caecum and duodenum was found significantly lower (P<0.01) in experimental group as compared to control group, thus causing reduction in bacterial growth and favoring better digestion and absorption of nutrients. Irrespective of the organs, the count of Lactobacillus was higher in experimental group. The mortality in control group was] 6%, and in the group fed with NCDC strain 014 strain was 4%, NCDC 015 was 8% and in the group fed with local isolate 14 was 12% respectively. The overall feed intake was higher in group fcd with NCDC 014. A significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in body weight gain of quails fed with Lactobacillus strain NCDC 014 as compared to NCDC 015, Local isolate 14 and control groups. No beneficial effect found in egg production performance of all the experimental groups. The results indicated that the strain NCDC 014 was more efficient in augmenting the growth rate and body weight gain due to its better colonization in the gut micro flora and could thus prevent the other enteropathogen and favored nutrient utilization and absorption.


Key words

Japanese quail, lactobacillus, growth performance.


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