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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year 2004, Volume-39, Issue-1 (April)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529

Table of contents

Research Articles

Inheritance of important economic traits in IWI and control strains of White Leghorn
Y. Vasu, G. Narasimha Rao, R.P. Sharma, R.C. Hazary, B. Ramesh Gupta, A. Satya Narayana

Effect of dietary levels of choline in relation to sulphur amino acid for growth and immune response in quail broilers
A.K. Shrivastav, B.B. Dash, T.S. Johri

Replacement of maize with pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) on weight and nutrient basis in broiler chicken diet
S.Y. Rama Rag, M.Y.L.N. Raju, A.K. Panda, R.P. Sharma

Requirements of dietary energy and protein for CARI-Red layers
Chandra Deo, A.Y. Elangovan, A.B. Mandal, D.P. Singh, H.P. Shrivastava

A study on chicken consumption among some urban social groups of Bareilly district
S.P. Khare

Comparative efficacy of different tenderizing agents for tenderization of spent hen meat
S.K. Mendiratta, A.S.R. Anjaneyulu, V. Lakshmanan, Suresh Devatkal

Drug resistance in field isolates of Eimeria tenella in poultry
R.K. Gautam, S.K. Gupta

Short Communications

Estimation of parental genomic proportion in specialized chicken population using marker assisted introgression
D. Anil Pavan Kumar, R.K.S. Bais, Deepak Sharma, R.B. Prasad

Phenotypic and genetic response in primary and various correlated traits in White Leghorn layers
K. Sakunthala Devi, P. Mahipal Reddy

Multistage index selection in a closed White Leghorn flock
R.S. Choudhary, J.K. Vaishnav, R. Nehra, Ajit Bishnoi, Manish Kumar

Protein requirements of growing (12–20 weeks) Naked neck x CARl-Red (Hitcari) and Frizzle x CARI-Red (Upcari) pullets
A.Y. Elangovan, Chandra Deo, A.B. Mandal, D.P. Singh, H.P. Shrivastava

Response of feeding different sources and levels of dietary phosphorus on morphometry and mineralization of tibia bone in broiler chickens
Chandra Deo, H.P. Shrivastava, N.B. Singh, S. Toppo

Performance of broilers reared on different floor space
M.C. Shivakumar, Javed Mulla, Bhageerathi Pugashetti, Sarah Nidagundi

An economic analysis of free range poultry rearing by rural women
S. Selvam

A comparative study on duck sausages prepared from prime and non-prime cuts of spent duck
D. Bhattacharyya, S. Biswas, M. Sinhamahapatra

Qualities of chicken salami under refrigerated display condition
S. Doley, K.K. Dutta

Effect of slaughtering methods on carcass traits, meat yield and quality of chicken
Arun K. Das, S. Biswas, M. Sinhamahapatra, D. Bhattacharyya

Development of antigen capture ELISA for the detection of egg drop syndrome -76 virus in chicken
N. Senthilkumar, J.M. Kataria, K. Dhama, Madhuri Koti

Heritability of pock counts and hatchability (fitness parameter) of chicks in highly productive layer lines infected as embryos by subgroup A and C Rous sarcoma virus
A. K. Ghosh, P. K. Pani, B. B. Dash

Pathogenicity trial and antibiogram of Salmonella Gallinarum isolates
T.S. Rai, S.K. Jand, M.S. Obero, Sumit Virmani


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