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International Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry

Publisher: Spring Leaf Publications (India)
Online ISSN: 2320-6233
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: April and October

International Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed professional journal publishing twice a year. The journal is a forum for scholars from around the world to share their research experiences for the advancement of the psychological well-being of world communities through affecting professional practice, research, and teaching. Thus, the Journal aims to promote a better understanding of individuals and communities through research, practice, advocacy, psychological disorders, education, and policy pertinent to all areas of psychology and Psychiatry disciplines. It will provide a medium through which scholars and researchers all over the world publish their findings.

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    For consortia pricing, Please contact at info@indianjournals.com.
    Please Note:
    1. * Online subscription rates are inclusive of service tax.
    2. * Online subscription includes limited access (5 concurrent users) of current subscription plus contents published from 2005(If available).
    3. ** Print includes complimentary online limited acess (5 concurrent users).
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