Indian Journal of Plant Protection
Year 1990, Volume-18, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0253-4355 Table of contents Econonucs of Control Schedules Against Mustard Aphid, Lip Aphis Erysimi (Kalt.) D.R. Kotwal, War Yam Singh Ovicidal Action of Insecticides, Moult Inhibitor and Fungicides on the Eggs of Rice Leaf Folder and Stem Borer N. Raju, M. Gopalan, G. Balasubramanian Chemical Control of Green Peach Aphid, Myzus Persicae (Sulzer) On Potato in North-Eastern Plains S.S. Misra, H.O. Agrawal Chemical Control of Maize Borer, Child Partellus (Swinhoe) with Synthetic Pyrethroids in Maize Uma Kanta, S.S. Sekhon, S.S. Sajjan Effect of Insecticides on the Growth of Plant and Incidence of Bollworms in Cotton J.P. Singh, R.K. Lakra Effect of Interculture Operations, Fertilizer Application and Plant Protection Measures on the Incidence of Borer Complex on Pigeonpea A.K. Badaya, S.B. Das, N.S. Thakur, S.S. Shaw, P.L. Bhalla Economics of Spray Schedule for the Control of Green Semilooper and Stemfly on Soybean in Madhya Pradesh O.P. Singh, K.J. Singh Chemical Control of Spider Mite, Oligonychus Indicus Hirst on Sorghum M. Manjunatha, Puttaswamy Genotypic Variability in Incidence of Charcoal Rot (Macrophomina Phaseolina) and Grain Yield Losses in Maize G. Koteswara Rao, R. Bener Raj, Shaik Mohammad Identification of Pearl Millet Lines with Multiple Resistance to Ergot, Smut and Oriental Armyworm R.P. Thakur, H.C. Sharma Relative Efficacy of Some New Insecticides on Insect Pests of Cotton N. Venugopal Rao, A. S. Reddy, P. Subbarami Reddy Back Pack Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA) for Better Pesticide Application C.S. Pawar Management of Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea Through Integration of Host Plant Tolerance and Foliar Spraying of Chlorothalonil M.V. Reddy, K.B. Singh Studies on Pest Complex of French Beans and their Control Under Mid-Hill Regions in Ffimachal Pradesh K.L. Kakar, O.P. Bhalla, A.K. Singh Persistence of Residues of Some Organophosphate Insecticides in Potato in North Western Hills S.S. Misra, H.O. Agrawal, A.K. Dikshit Antibiosis Mechanism of Resistance in Rice Varieties to Yellow Stem Borer Scirpophaga Incertulas Walker B.K. Mishra, B.K. Sontakke, H. Mohapatra Relative Effectiveness of Bacillus Cereus Frank-Land and Frankland, B. Thurlngiensis Berliner and Endosulfan Against Spodoptera Litura (Fabricius) on Cauliflower G.M. Zaz Residual Effect of Eight Vegetable Oils in Cmckpea Against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus Chinensis (Linnaeus) B.S. Choudhary Studies on the Varietal Susceptmility of Mango Cultivars from Different Geqgraphical Regions to Psyllid Shootgall Apsylla Cistellata Buck. K.K. Kumar Relative Toxicity of Some Insecticides to Cotton Whitefly, Bemisia Tabaci Genn N. Venugopal Rao, A.S. Reddy, D.D.R. Reddy Bio Efficacy of Insecticides Against Brinjal Pests in Western Orissa B.K. Sontakke, A.N. Dash, H. Mohapatra Management of Crazy Ant, Anoplolepis Longipes (Jerdon) N.S. Rao, O.K. Veeresh Influence of Weather Factors and Predators on the Populations of Aceria Litchi Keifer A.P. Thakur, D.D. Sharma A Note on Pyrilla Purpusilla Walker on Nuuze R.N. Chaudhary, V.K. Sharma Relative Susceptibility of Some Lady's Finger Cultivars to Earias Vittella Fabricius S.H. Vyas, J.R. Patel Control of Late Blight Tuber Infection by Systemic Fungicilles B.P. Singh, S.K. Bhattacharyya Effect of Incidence of Lac Insect, Kerria Lacca (Kerr) on Bearing and Quality of Jujube Fruits in Haryana R.K. Lakra, Samir Kher Fruit Drop of Baduvapuli (Citrus Pennivesiculata Tan.) Due to Phosetyl Al Spray S.D. Sawant, Indu S. Sawant, K.L. Manjunath A Note on the Preservation of Insects by Resin Encapsulation Method T.B. Gour, M. Sriramulu, T.G.M. Singh Recovery of Endosulfan From Pigeonpea, Chickpea, and Groltndnut After Spraying with Different Appliances C.S. Pawar Outbreaks and New Records Incidence of budny, Dasineura sp. on Brassica crops in Haryana State Harvir Singh, C.D. Kaushik, Hari Singh, A.N. Varma Stem canker on blackgram (Vigna mungo (L) Hepper) in Andhra Pradesh K. Abbaiah, A. Satyanarayana Tetrastichus sp. and Closterocerus sp. two new parasites of Leucoptera sphenograpta Meyrick. S.S. Shaw, A.K. Badaya, R S. Verma, K.C. Mandloi New record of Apheliona maculosa Distant as a pest of soybean in Madhya Pradesh. O.P. Singh, K.J. Singh First report of the lesion nematode Pratylenchus brachyurus on groundnut in India. K.S. Varaprasad, S.B. Sharma New recold of Beauveria bassiana (Bats) Yuill, an entomogenous fungus on mango hopper Idioscopus spp. G.M. Tripathi, N.L.M. Tripathi, R.S. Misra Top |