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Author Guidelines

Publication in this journal is open to the members of Plant Protection Association of India. All authors must be members. Original research papers on applied aspects of plant protection (insect pests, mites, nematodes, diseases, rodents, weeds and plant protection equipment) are considered for publication. Papers on routine laboratory/ field studies are discouraged. Research articles based on Integrated Pest Management trials conducted for a minimum of two seasons shall be given due weightage. Field data especially on assessment of crop losses, control trials and host plant resistance should be for a minimum of two seasons.

Manuscripts not exceeding 6000 words may be submitted to:
   The Chief Editor
   Indian Journal of Plant Protection
   National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources - Regional Station
   Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030
   Andhra Pradesh, India.

Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate, typed in double space, on standard A-4 size paper along with a soft copy on a CD. Authors are advised to use clear and concise English while preparing the article. The first page of the typescript should contain a short and informative title with initial capitals for each word together with names, addresses including e-mail and affiliations of the authors. A short running title of not more than 50 characters including spaces suitable for page headings should be given if the title is longer than this. The paper should start with a brief and informative Abstract of 200 - 250 words, containing all keywords. Keywords should be given immediately after the Abstract under a separate heading. The manuscript should be divided into four sections, viz. Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion and References. The title (14 pt.) and all headings should appear in Arial Black and the remaining text should be in Times New Roman font (10 pt.)

The Introduction should be brief and state the subject of the experiment. The literature reviewed should be pertinent to the problem. Materials and methods should include the experimental design, treatments, replications and techniques employed. Where standard methods/ techniques are used, citation of reference is sufficient. Results and discussion should be combined and supported by Tables or Figures. The main body of the text should conform to the instructions given below. Abbreviations should be specified at first mention.


All headings should be clearly indicated. The primary headings (e.g. Materials and methods) should be in 12 pt whereas, the secondary headings should appear in 10 pt (e.g. Greenhouse studies.) the tertiary headings in 10 pt should run on with para, full stop and two spaces after the head before starting the text (e.g. Germplasm screening. Genotypes consisting of...).


References must follow the Harvard system and cited in the text as Singh et al., (2002) or (Singh et al., 2002). For several publications by the same author in a year, put a, b, c, etc., after the year of publication, e.g. Singh (2002a). The references should be in chronological order in the text and alphabetical order in the reference list at the end of the paper in the following format.

Journal Articles

Jena M, Dani R C and Rajamani S 1992. Effectiveness of insecticides against the rice leaf folder. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 20 : 43-46. (Name of the journal should be italicized and should not be abbreviated).


Metcalf R L 1975. Insecticides in pest management. Introduction to Insect Pest Management (eds. Metcalf R Land Luckmann W H) John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA. Pp 235-273. where the citation refers to the whole book, the total number of pages should be specified. e.g. 275pp.

Numbers and Units

Numbers and units are used for all specific units of measurements. e.g. 4 mm 15 ml, and 5 g etc. Quantities of items up to nine are spelt out, e.g. six leaves. five fields, but 15 leaves and 140 fields etc. SI units should be used. Abbreviations for units should conform to British standard 1991 and are alike in singular and plural (thus g not gm or gms). Pesticide and fertilizer applications should be expressed as 1.5 kg a.i./ha.

Genera and species

The scientific names of genera and species should be in italics or underlined. followed by the author's name at first mention in the text (e.g. gram pod borer, Helicoverpa annigera Hub.) At a subsequent mention, it should be cited as H. armigera.

Application of Pesticides

Pesticides and other industrial products should generally be referred to by their common names. If registered trade names are unavoidable, they should have an initial capital, e.g. Bavistin. Full details must be given of techniques used to apply pesticides (e.g. type of equipment, type of nozzle, pump pressure, volume of spray etc.) and ofthe amount of active ingredient applied per unit area (250 g a.i./ha).


Each table should be on a separate sheet, and intelligible without reference to the text. Table heading should be part of the table separated by a horizontal line between the head and table text. Vertical lines should not be drawn. Authors are required to prepare tables to fit in either single column width (83 mm) or 176 mm width. Appropriate statistical tests should be applied (SE, LSD, etc.,) to the data presented. Footnotes should be minimal. Authors must indicate on the margins where tables/figures should appear. Lengthy tables should be avoided. Data Should be adjusted up to single decimal level only except for those very small values, which should be represented only in decimals.


Graphs should be prepared in Microsoft Excel to fit in a single column width (83 mm) or two-column width (176 mm) and enclosed as separate files along with the data. The graphs should not be enclosed as pasted objects in the main article. All figure legends to be set in 9 point Times New Roman. Use a scale to indicate the size of the objects where necessary. Titles for all figures should be given along with the figures and kept to a minimum. For photograph figures, only good quality black & white photographs are acceptable.


Manuscript will be accepted on the understanding that their content is original and that permission has been received in writing wherever necessary to produce previously published material (including quotations, data and illustrations), and that the manuscript has not been submitted/accepted for publication elsewhere. Copyright resides with the Plant Protection Association of India.


Authors whose articles pass through the preliminary review must submit the revised manuscript along with a softcopy prepared in a word processor (Microsoft Word) in CD. Authors may also email softcopies to ijpp1972@yahoo.co.in.

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