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Indian Journal of Plant Physiology
Year 2010, Volume-15, Issue-2 (April–June)
Print ISSN : 0019-5502
Online ISSN : 0974-0252

Table of contents

Physiological role of brassinosteroids: an update
Shamsul Hayat, Masaki Mori, Qazi Fariduddin, Andrzej Bajguz, Aqil Ahmad

Conservation of Podophyllum hexandrum through seeds
Anju Thakur, P.S. Thakur, V. Dutt, C.L. Thakur

Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, growth and root yield of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal.) under soil moisture stress
Sonal Shah, R. Saravanan, N.A. Gajbhiye

Proline, P5CS activityand glycine betaine content in intra-hirsutum (HxH), inter-specific (HxB) and G. arboreum cultivars under water stress
H.C. Pawar, R.M. Naik, R.D. Satbhai, S.S. Mehetre

Effect of water stress on plant water status of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
A.K. Choudhury, M.A. Karim, M. Moynul Haque, Q.A. Khaliq, J.U. Ahmed, M.M. Hossain

Influence of copper on embryo viability and development in hyacinth bean seeds
Nirmala Nautiyal, Sapna Awasthi

Regeneration of sour cherry (Prunus ceraseus) through In-vitro propagation
H.A. Dar, S.R. Singh, K.K. Srivastava, M.K. Sharma, A.S. Sundouri

Short Communications

Growth and protease secretion by roots of wheat seedlings cultivated on different nitrogen sources
Bartosz Adamczyk, Miroslaw Godlewski, Janusz Zimny, Aleksandra Zimny

Biochemical impact of re-oxygenation in rice seedlings after submergence stress
R.K. Upadhyay, S.K. Panda, B.K. Dutta

In vitro selection of hill maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for low phosphate tolerance
Rohit Joshi, Alok Shukla, Pramod Kumar

Effects of pre-treatment and foliar application of zinc on growth and yield components of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) under induced salinity
Sunil Kumar Pandey, R.N. Bahuguna, Madan Pal, A.K. Trivedi, A. Hemantaranjan, J.P. Srivastava

An efficient method for micropropagation of Ocimum basilicum L.
S. Saha, P.D. Ghosh, C. Sengupta

Direct rhizogenesis from in vitro leaves of withania somnifera (l.) dunal
K. Mohamed Rafi, A. Aslam, S. Kohila, J. Tanweer, A. Shajahan

Bioaccumulation and physiological impact of rare earth elements on wheat (triticum aestivum)
E.S. Challaraj Emmanuel, V. Vignesh, B. Anandkumar, S. Maruthamuthu

Processing quality of potato varieties stored at ambient temperature
Amreeta Dhaka, Manish Das, S.M. Paul Khurana

Photosynthetic efficiency of transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) over-expressing mtlD gene under drought and paraquat stress
Badre Alam, James Jacob, Hugh J. Earl

Chilling induced superoxide production, lipid peroxidation and leakage loss in Shorea robusta seedlings
S. Keshavkant, S.C. Naithani

Enhanced levels of soil nitrogen and endogenous phytohormones in maize (zea mays l.) inoculated with azospirillum brasilense
Vanita Jain, Sangeeta Khetarpal, Smitha Aravind, Siddhartha Proteem Saikia


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