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Article submission fee

  • Please note that we charge manuscript handling charges for all publications.Charges can be enquired by sending mail.

  • In cases of urgent publication required by author, he /she should write to editor for discretion.

  • Fast tracking charges are applicable in urgent publication

  • Please note that we charge only after article has been accepted for publication, not at the time of submission.

  • Authors have right to withdraw article if they do not wish to pay the charges.

Article Submission Guidelines

Please submit paper in following format as far as applicable

  1. Title

  2. Names of authors

  3. Your Affiliation (designations with college address)

  4. Corresponding author- name, designations, address, E-mail id

  5. Abstract with key words

  6. Introduction or back ground

  7. Material and Methods

  8. Findings

  9. Discussion / Conclusion

  10. Acknowledgement

  11. Conflict of Interest

  12. Source of Support

  13. References in Vancouver style.

  14. Word limit 2500-3000 words, MSWORD Format, single file

  15. Please quote references in text by superscripting.

Our Contact Info

Prof (Dr) R K Sharma
    International Journal of Psychiatric NursingInstitute of Medico-Legal Publications
    4th Floor, Statesman House Building,
    Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001
    Mob: 09971888542, Fax No: +91 11 3044 6500
    E-mail: editor.ijpn@gmail.com

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