IC248147 (IC248147; INGR21138), a chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm with ascochyta blight resistance Gayacharan1,*, Rani Upasana2, Singh Sarvjeet2, Basandrai Ashwani K3, Rathee Virender K4, Tripathi Kuldeep1, Singh Neeta1, Dixit Girish P5, Rana JC6, Pandey Sushil1, Kumar Ashok1, Singh Kuldeep1 1ICAR-ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus–110012, New Delhi, India 2Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana–141004, Punjab, India 3Rice and Wheat Research Centre, CSKHPKV, Malan–176047, Himachal Pradesh, India 4Hill Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, CSKHPKV, Dhaulakuan–173031, Himachal Pradesh, India 5ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur–208024, Uttar Pradesh, India 6Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT Region-Asia, India Office, New Delhi–110012, India *Email: gayacharan@icar.gov.in
Online Published on 21 February, 2024. |