GOSh8; IG-08-40 (IC0593645; INGR13040) a First Trispecific Hybrid between Pennisetum glaucum, P. orientale and P. squamulatum. Chromosomes 2n=44 (21G+14S+90, Genomes (GGGSSO)) Kaushal P*, Khare Aarti, Malaviya DR, Roy AK Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi 284 003, Uttar Pradesh *Email: pkaushal@rediffmail.com
Compiled and edited by: Anjali Kak and RK Tyagi, Division of Germplasm Conservation, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110 012 Online published on 15 February, 2014. | |
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