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Guidelines to Authors


The Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources (IJPGR) is the official publication of the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources. For publication in the journal, the authors must be a member of the Society. IJPGR publishes full-length papers or short communications of original scientific research in the field of plant genetic resources. Review articles (with prior consent or invitation only) summarizing the existing state of knowledge in topics related to plant genetic resources will also be published.

Contributions should be as concise as possible. The maximum length of the review article, full-length papers and short communications is usually restricted to 12, 6, 3 printed pages including illustrations and tables, respectively.

Organization of the Manuscript

Full-length papers

Title Page: The title page of the manuscript should be the first page and should include the title, names and addresses of the authors, abstract and keywords.

Title: Keep the title brief, specific and informative and amendable to indexing. It should be typed in running text with first letter of word as capital and latin names in italics.

Name and Address: The name of authors and the address of the institution where the work was carried out should be mentioned below the title. Present address of correspondence, if different, should be given as footnote indicating by asterisk (*) the author to whom the correspondence and reprint requests are to be made. E-mail addresses should also be indicated, if any.

Abstract: The abstract should clearly state the rationale, objectives, methods, and important conclusions of the study. It should not exceed 150 words.

Key Words: The abstract should be followed by not more than five key words indicating the contents of the paper and useful for abstracting purposes.

Main Text: The main text of the paper should start from the second page which should contain the title of the paper followed by the text divided into following main headings which are to be typed in running text and flushed with the margin: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Wherever appropriate, results and discussion can be combined and acknowledgements be omitted.

Introduction should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem and aim of the experiment.

Materials and Methods should include relevant details on the nature of material, experimental design, the techniques employed and the statistical method used. For well-known methods, citation of reference will suffice.

Results and Discussion should be clear to readers in different disciplines. Units of measurement should be SI.

Tables should be typed on separate sheets, each with a heading stating its contents clearly and concisely. Numerical data and calculations should be thoroughly checked.

Figures of only good quality that are essential to a clear understanding of the paper shall be accepted. Legends to the illustrations should be typed on separate paper. Information in the legend should not be repeated in the text and similarly, the same data should not be represented in both graph and table form. All figures, whether photographs, maps, graphs or line drawings should be numbered consecutively. Illustration number and title of the article with authors’ name should be given at the back of the plates in soft pencil.

Line drawings of high quality, preferable in the desired final size would be accepted. The inscriptions should be clearly legible.

Photographs for publication should be of high contrast, black and white, glossy print, trimmed at right angles. Magnification should be indicated with a bar scale on the photo. Authors need to indicate colour reproduction of photographs (cost of colour printing will be borne by the authors).

Acknowledgements should mention only guidance or assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by an agency. Acknowledgements for inspiration, typing etc., need not be mentioned.

References in text should be cited by author, year of publication (e.g. Joshi, 1995) and multiple citations should be in chronological order (Withers and Englemann, 1998; Rao et al., 2001). References should be listed in alphabetical order under the first authors’ name. The names of journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals (eds P Brown and GB Stratton), Butterworths, London. The following examples may be used for citations:

  1. Bisht IS, RK Mahajan, TR Loknathan and RC Agarwal (1998) Diversity in Indian sesame collection and stratification of germplasm accessions in different diversity groups. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 45: 325-335.

  2. Withers LA and F Engelmann (1998) In vitro conservation of plant genetic resources. In: A Altman (ed.) Agricultural Biotechnology. Marcell Dekker Inc., New York, pp 57-58.

  3. WOI (1985) The Wealth of India - Raw Materials. A Dictionary of Indian Raw Materials and Industrial Products

  4. – Raw Material Vol 1: A (Revised). Publications and Information Directorate, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, 513 p.

  5. Engels, JMM and V Ramanatha Rao (eds) (1988) Regeneration of seed crop and their wild relatives. Proceedings of a Consultation Meeting, 4-7 December 1995. ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India and IPGRI, Rome, Italy, 167 p.

Short Communications

The style and format as mentioned for full-length papers should be followed for Short Communications. However, the abstract should be restricted to not more than 50 words and the remainder text should be continuous (without headings). Illustrative material should be kept at minimum, usually not more than one table or figure and only few references should be included (not more than 10).

Submission of the Manuscript

Submission of an article will be held to imply that it has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. A cover letter including a statement to this effect should be submitted with the manuscript. Three copies of the manuscript written in English and typed in double space on one side of A4 bond paper with the pages numbered consecutively (starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables and figure legends, and should be submitted (preferably in floppy or CD or through email) to:


Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources C/o National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110 012, India E-mail: ispgr@nbpgr.ernet.in; rktyagi@nbpgr.ernet.in

Experts in the subject will review all the submitted manuscripts and the final decision about the acceptance of the manuscript rests with the Editorial Board. If manuscript is accepted for publication, the revised manuscript should be accompanied by electronic copy on CD or through electronic mail.

Publication of a paper in the Journal does not imply the responsibility for an agreement with the statements or view written therein, and rests entirely on the authors thereof.

The authors will receive page proofs, which should be corrected and returned without delay. Corrections must be kept to the minimum, and the proof stage should not be regarded as an opportunity for further editing and additions. Although, every effort is made by the editors to correct proofs of all the papers they assume no responsibility for errors that may remain in the fi nal print.

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