Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Year 2018, Volume-18, Issue-3 (December)
Print ISSN : 0976-1101
Online ISSN : 2456-737X Table of contents Promoting physical education at college level for developing mental health among the students Dr. Shashi Bala, G.C. Tigaon Impact of social media marketing in the success of any business and sports event Pritish Khare, Samiran Chakraborty Issues and challenges of professional sports and amateur sports in India Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Samiran Chakraborty, Dr. Kanhaiya Singh Healthy Ageing Dr. Ajai Kumar G.I, Sujith Prabhakar Holistic approach of jainism to life style management Monika Jain Emerging jobs in sports management Devendra Pal, Sushma Kumari Exercise physiology and its role in physical education and sports Dr. L. Santosh Singh, Waribam James Singh Yoga for depression and anxiety: A systematic review Vaibhav Singh, Dr. Abhimanyu Singh Obesity and physical activity Dr. S. Binthu Mathavan, Dr. A. Praveen Superstition in sports Dr. Sheela Kumari, Dr. Rakesh Kumar A step towards better governance in sports: A guideline Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Samiran Chakraborty Start-up sports business in India Akhilesh Singh Kushwaha, Vikas Singh Sports sciences (Miltidiscilinary study of KET of sciences) Rayeesul Qadir Transforming sports through PPP Dr. Anju Luthra, Dr. Pramod Sharma, Ms. Navya Luthra Sport event management (Creating and Operating an Event) Priyaranjana Soni, Dr. Vikram Singh, Dr. T. Onima Reddy Technological advancement in sports equipment Dr. Shweta Suri Midha, Dr. Saryu Rahela The business of running a club; team operation, club management, increasing club revenue, talent identification (scouting talents), team sponsorship, umpiring, academies, essential tools of modern administrator of professional and amateur clubs Arvind Kumar Gujarat's khel mahakumbh-major step towards sport's exposure and motivation in sports Prabhanshu Awasthi Environment and performance: effect of exercising in the heat G. Deepak Influvance of zumba in modern trends S. Yaduchand, Dr. A. Praveen The problem of urbanization and its solution in India Anurag Singh Gautam, Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Pathak The sports business management-Running a club Nikita Vishnoi Innovative research and plagiarism Dr. Vikram Singh Gymnastics curriculum: An emphasis on gradual accumilation of skills Kanika gupta, Dr. Samiran Chakraborty Physical culture & excellence in sports Dr. K.P. Manoj, Dr. Mathews Jacob Sports management in physical education Dr. Madhu Gaur, Ashwani Bali Challenges and development of games and sports activities for nit students: A strategic planning Avishek Baisya Advanced technologies in sport Devang B. Balasara The business of running a club Josyula Tejwaswi Physical activity and healthy lifestyle V Vyas Kruti, R Makwana Bharti Sports infrastructure in Indian citiesthe present status and future roadmap Rakesh G. Yadav Adapted physical education Vivekananda Dey Upliftment of indian sports through privatization: A possible remedy Manish Shukla Analysis of sports management curriculum for physical education majors in Kerala C S Sudheesh, Dr K Suresh Kutty Halo sport-An emerging technology in sports Neena Thekkan, Dr. K Suresh Kutty Fitness activity management and their application Satya Prakash Patel, Dr. Vinita Vajpai Mishra Managerial ethics of yoga in sportsman life Pranjal Khandelwal, Satya Prakash Patel Impact of marketing on sports leagues in India Ms. Shivangi Bidua, Dr. Brij Kishore Prasad Development of para swimming in India-A review Aniket Upadhyay, Yogesh Kumar, Praveen Hooda Swot analysis on jashn’18 Sharma Yash, Hemrom Akansha Eating disorder is a silent killer Brijendra Masram, Neha Khash, Dr. Brij Kishore Prasad Evolution of technology in sports Hiral R. Vamja Water aerobics and its benefits V. K Vijesh, Dr. A. Praveen Health aids of bokwa: Aninnovative approach for cardiac fitness P.J. Amalesh, Dr. A. Praveen The role of sales promotion strategies in corporate fitness centre Anil Kumar Gupta, Shankar Jyoti Basumatary Sports drink and performance Dr. Bimla Pawar, Ms. Aarzoo Jangra Sports finance management Shailesh N. Dhimmar Sports management: New ideas Debraj Bhattacharya, Kallaol Chatterjee Public relations in sports-An effeciency for sports management Caroline Satur, Dr. Sunil Gourah Contribution of Indian companies in sports promotion through CSR Dr. Lata Sharma, Dr. Seema Sharma Kaushik Health and wellness promotion management system in educationa institutions-A theoretical model Dr. K. Biju Kumar Top |