Biomechanical comparison of open and closed stance backhand strokes among university tennis players Kumar Amit1, Dr. Rathore Madan Singh2 1Ph. D. Scholar, LNIPE, Gwalior 2Asst. Prof. LNIPE, Gwalior Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract The purpose is to study Biomechanical comparison of open and closed stance backhand strokes among university Tennis Players. Five male tennis players were selected from the players studying in LNIPE Gwalior for the study. Their skills were captured using Nikon D-3100, a motor driven camera, with the frequency of 24 frames per second. 8 reflective markers attached to anatomic landmarks for two-handed backhand drive data collection. The data was analyzed by paired sample t-test ascertains the comparison of the selected kinematic variables at moment of contact in open stance and closed stance backhand drive in Tennis. In case of selected kinematic variables, the linear kinematic variables, right knee angle of closed and open stance, left knee angle of closed and open stance has exhibited significant difference between the open stance and closed stance backhand strokes. Top Keywords Backhand drive, open stance, closed stance. Top | |
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