Effect of a prescribed exercise program on regular male gym goers’ on commitment Katoch Rakesh1, Kumar Ajay2 1PGT, Laxman Public School, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi, India 2Devi Ahiliya Vishwavidyalaya, Khandwa Road, M.P, India Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract The purpose of this study was to analysis the “Effect of a prescribed exercise program on regular male gym goers on Commitment”. One hundred Male were selected as subjects for this study. They divided into two equal groups 50 subjects in each group named Experimental and Control Group respectively. The age of the subjects were ranged between 25 to 40 years. The Experimental group was given the training for 12 weeks for five days per week with two days of rest. Control group workout at their own at their respective centers. A self made exercise programme and Commitment questionnaire was made with the help of experts of respective fields. The data was analyzed by applying analysis of t-test to draw appropriate conclusions and to find out the effect of 12 weeks of prescribed exercise training on subjects. The significance level was set at 0.05. The result of study showed that there was a significant difference between Experimental Male and Control Male group. Top Keywords Commitment, Reliability, Experimental Group, Control Group, Prescribed Exercise programme. Top | |
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