Effect of yogic intervention on selected physiological variable among college women Rai Gyanendu1, Prof. Sarkar L.N.2 1Research scholar, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, (M.P) 2HOD Dept. of Health Education, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, (M.P) Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract Yoga is the art and science of living and is concerned with the evolution of mind and body. Acc. Shrimadbhagwat Gita, lord Krishna defined yoga as “yoga is the art of proper or right action. It has been incorporated into modern medicine during the few decades because of increasing incidence of diseases of modern civilization such as obesity, hypertension, coronary artery diseases, and diabetes mellitus, which are rooted in faulty lifestyle and psychological stress. The Purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic training on selected physiological variables. For the present study 20 female students of lakshmibai national institute of physical education Gwalior (M.P.) were selected randomly as the subjects for the study. The age of the subjects were ranging from 17–24 years. The variables selected for the present study were yogic training (independent variable), Breathing holding capacity, pulse rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure (dependent variables). The data was collected through the pre and posttest. For the study single group design was used in which the pretest was taken prior to the yogic training and posttest was taken after six weeks of yogic training. For comparing pre and posttest means of breathing holding capacity, pulse rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, descriptive analysis and paired t-test were applied at 0.05 level of significant. Significant difference was found among pre-post systolic and diastolic; pre-post breathing holding capacity as the p value (0.00; 0.000; 0.010) respectively which is less than.05. Thus, also found insignificant difference in pre-post pulse rate as the p value (0.531) which is more than 0.05. On the basis of the findings it was concluded that the yogic intervention may be responsible for the improvement of selected physiological variables. Top Keywords Yogic intervention, breathing holding capacity, pulse rate, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Top |