Comparative analysis of isometric maximum voluntary contraction of hip flexors among different angles Das Payel1, Pandey Vivek2, Krishna Nibu R.3 1Ph. D Scholar, LNIPE, Gwalior, India 2Professor (Exercise Physiology), LNIPE, Gwalior, India 3Asist. Prof. (Sports Psychology), LNIPE, Gwalior, India Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract The present study was aimed at comparative analysis of isometric contraction (concentric) of hip flexors among different angle. The study was conducted on 15 male fitness students from LNIPE, Gwalior age ranging from 23–28 with mean and SD of age 25±1.95 years, height 171.87±7.00 cm and body weight 69.73± 6.00 kg (as data were normally distributed). Data were collected on isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of hip flexors in 30o, 60o and 90o angle with the help of Humac Norm isokinetic dynamometer. All the subjects were tested repeatedly on isometric contraction of hip first in 30o, 60o and 90o. The test was consisted of 5 seconds maximum voluntary contraction for 5 reps in each angle. It was hypothesized that there would be significant difference of among different angles on peak torque, average torque, peak torque slope. One-way repeated measure ANOVA was employed for the analysis of result at 5% level of significance. Finally, significant difference (p >0.05) was found in peak torque among different angles. Peak torque was found significantly higher (p>0.05) in 30o (103.80± 3.53) than 60o (84.86±3.49) and 90o. (71.00±3.11). Thus, it can be concluded that Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC)or peak torque varies in different angle of hip flexion due to force-muscle length (F-L) relationship and the muscle fibres involvement. Top Keywords Isometric maximum voluntary contraction, peak torque, muscles movement arm. Top |