Potential effect of an integrated yoga therapy on alteration of myoelectric signal acquisition of vastus lateralis muscle among athletes with patellar tendinosis Samanta1, Prof. Mukherjee S2 1Ph. D. Scholar, LNIPE, Dept. Of Exercise. Physiology, Gwalior-474002, India 2LNIPE, Dean-Academics & Coordinator IQAC. H.O.D-Dept. of Sports Management and Coaching, Gwalior-474002, India Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract The athletes who involved in sports requiring repetitive knee actions like jumping, running are at greater risk due to overuse injury. 10 athletes with knee pain were purposively selected, Age 19 to 23 yrs., weight 64±15 kg. and height 169±10 cm. The EMG response and parameter-on VL muscle, Root Mean Square values. Repeated mixed ANOVA was used with SPSS 20. Level of significance-0.05. There was statistical significant result showed in EMG parameter. (p<0.05) in the group received integrated yoga therapy. Statistical significant difference of EMG response of VL muscle was happened may be due to the improved blood flow, ionic shift, and most important is strength and flexibility development. Top | |
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