A comparative study of flexibility status of selected variables in the game of football and basketball Sharma Nabanita1, Paswan Chandan K2 1MPEd Student, LNIPE, Gwalior 2PhD Scholar, LNIPE, Gwalior Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract In the field of games and sports flexibility plays a vital role in determining the performances of a sports person. It can act like a determining factor by which one can evaluate the particular sports performances. Keeping this factor in mind, the of comparative study of flexibility status on selected variables in the game of football and basketball was taken to see the flexibility score of the selected body parts. A total of 20 subjects were taken, 10 were from football match practice group and the other 10 were from basketball match practice group. A total of five variables were taken from the body site to compare the flexibility of the two team games that is football and basketball. To compare the means of the two groups independent sample t-test was applied at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed there is no significance difference between the two team games i.e. football and basketball. Top Keywords Flexibility. Top | |
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