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Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Year : 2018, Volume : 18, Issue : 2
First page : ( 122) Last page : ( 124)
Print ISSN : 0976-1101. Online ISSN : 2456-737X.

Comparative study of the sports achievement motivation of soccer players in all India inter-university level

Singh Huirem Englancha1, Singh Khoirom Sanayaima2, Meitei Lamabam Naocha3, Chanu Pukhrambam Osin4

1P.G.D.S.C student, LNIPE, Gwalior

2M.P. Ed student, LNIPE, Gwalior

3M.P. Ed student, LNIPE, Gwalior

4M.P. Ed student, LNIPE, Gwalior

Online published on 7 December, 2019.


Several factors influence the selection of the specific sports participation of the current study. First the researcher's familiarity with football through participation experience, especially with regard to motivation, initially spurred interest in the examination of motivational difference among female soccer players. The psychologist status of female soccer players is different. Thus the purpose of the present study was to compare the Sports Achievement Motivation between finalist team participating in All India Inter University Women Football Tournament, 2017–2018 held in Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior. SAMT consist of 20 Multiple Choice Questions of 40 marks. Each Question carries two (2) marks for correct answer and zero (0) mark for wrong answer. The question measured the extent to which student were motivated towards sports achievement motivation. Considering the population of the study, stratified random sampling technique has been employed and the sample size has been targeted in this investigation only on finalist team of 20 female players in the tournament. Statistical tool was used for accurate and systematic results. Independent t-test was use as Statistical Technique for comparative analysis. And the level of significant was set at 0.05 levels. The result indicated that there is no difference on achievement motivation between players competing in the final of the tournament.



Sport Achievement Motivation, college female Players, Independent t-test, stratified random sampling.


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