An introspection to happiness among school going children of greater gwalior Bhutia Tenzing Choying, Rai Indra L.N.I.P.E, (Dept. of Health Education), Gwalior, 474002, India Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from our action.happiness can be an indicator for healthy life style, in our study we measured happiness profile which has been endorsement of two different ways to be happy through participation in games and sports and others engaging in other activities. Both of the orientations individually predicted life satisfaction people simultaneously high on both the orientation with good level of happiness score. Among teenagers involved in sports activity and teenager in activity other then sports. For the purpose of study 200 school going children were randomly selected, (age ranged 13–18) from various schools of Gwalior. Happiness was measured by using Oxford Happiness Questionnaire from which comprises 29 questions with likert scale. The descriptive statistics and independent ‘t’ test was used to analyse the data. To test the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05 Thus it can be concluded that uniform feeling of happiness can be achieved from various types of activities. Top Keywords Happiness, teenagers, wellbeing, sport. Top | |
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