Elderly nutrition, life style and management Sharma Nripendra Mani1, Dr Prasad Brij Kishore2 1Research Scholar, Dept. Of Health Education, LNIPE, Gwalior 2Asst. Professor, Dept. Of Health Education, LNIPE, Gwalior Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract Purpose of the article is to determine the specific nutrition needs for the older adults in the society. These needs can be easily fulfilled with the help of a well organized and balanced dietary pattern to be taken into consideration. While initial planning it must be observed that these nutrients be proportioned in such a way that each micro and macro nutrients equally balances with proper exercise. It further deals with the management of proper diet considerations in such a way that it does not results in any harmful effects or complications. Therefore in modern scenario there is a need of such enthusiastic and overwhelming programmes that in this stage of life. It could help older people to stay healthy, maintain physical fitness and enjoy the quality of life to its fullest possible without any infirmity and disease Top Keywords Nutrition, Older Adults, Exercise, Management and Proper Diet. Top | |
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