Kinematic analysis of badminton cross court drop shot Ahmed Mottakin1, Kumar Pradeep2 1PhD Scholar, L.N.I.P.E. Gwalior 2T.G.T. Presidium, Gurgaon Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract The motive of the study was to explore the difference of selected kinematic variables in cross court drop shot of Badminton between Intermediate and advance players. Videography technique was used in order to check the performance of the subjects in performing skill cross court Drop Shot. The Nikon D-3100 camera was used which has frequency is of 30 frames per second. The videograph was taken in the horizontal (sagital) plan. Three trial were given out of three best performance was selected the selected phases were taken out from the video by using Kinovea 8.23 software. Through the software, angle of knee joint, angle of ankle joint, is found out from the photographic sequence. The best performance in cross court drop shot was used as the criterion measure for the study. The data was analyzed by using independent t test (Verma, 2012, p.311) is used to find out the difference of the selected kinematic variables with the performance cross court drop shot in badminton. The biomechanical variables were consisting of selected angular kinematic variables i.e. Angle of knee joint, angle of ankle joint during point of contact of cross court drop shot in badminton. In result it was found that angle of ankle joint and knee joint plays a significance role in cross court drop shot in Badminton Top Keywords Cross court, Sagital Plan, Knee joint, Ankle joint, Kinovea. Top | |
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