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Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Year : 2018, Volume : 18, Issue : 2
First page : ( 37) Last page : ( 45)
Print ISSN : 0976-1101. Online ISSN : 2456-737X.

A comparative study on kicking leg angular kinematics of instep kick between male and female soccer players

Chanda Shaybal1, Prof. Mondal Sumanta Kumar2

1Research Scholar (ICCR), Department of Physical Education, Visva-Bharati, shaybalchanda@yahoo.com

2Professor, Department of Physical Education, Visva-Bharati, West Bengal, India. sumantavb@gmail.com

Online published on 7 December, 2019.


The most powerful kick in football is Instep Kick. Understanding the kinematic factors of kicking leg in an instep soccer kick is important in particular since it plays a major determinant role in execution of an accurate and powerful kick. Initially using random technique 10 boys and 10 girls soccer players and their age was between 16 years to 22 years old were selected, then the best 5 performances from each group was finally selected for the study. All the players represented Bangladesh national soccer team at least for once age groups to senior level. Video-graphic technique was use for collecting kinematic data from Sagittal plane using Cannon EOS7D camera placing by the same side of kicking leg perpendicularly 3.20 meter away from the ball and at 1.13 meter of height. Girls’ hip joint angles of kicking leg were found slightly higher than the boys in all three phases GC, BC & FT. Girls mean and SD of displacement of hip joint angle was higher than the boys. Angular mean velocity of the kicking leg at ball contact was found higher in the boys. Close similarity was observed in kicking leg knee joint angle at GC and BC. Mean displacement of the knee angle was higher in boys. No statistically significant difference was found among boys and girls in kicking leg ankle angle mean displacement ground contact to ball contact. Boys mean angular velocity of kicking leg knee at ball contact was three times higher than the girls. Kicking leg ankle angle of boys GC to BC reduced slightly where as for girls it was increased. No statistical significant difference was found between the two groups in kicking leg ankle mean displacement ground contact to ball. Velocity of kicking leg ankle angle at ball contact was higher in girls but no significant difference was observed between the groups. Though the boys mean ball velocity was little less than double in compared to girls ball velocity but statistically no significant difference was found due to scattered data. There was very little difference in total velocity of kicking leg i.e. hip joint angle, knee joint angle and ankle joint between boys and girls.



Kinematics, Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, Ball Velocity.


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