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Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Year : 2018, Volume : 18, Issue : 2
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 24)
Print ISSN : 0976-1101. Online ISSN : 2456-737X.

Assessment of leadership styles among physical education students

Jose Jesmy1, Joseph Maria Martin2

1PhD Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Kannur University, Kerala

2Associate Professor, Mary Matha Arts and Science College, Mananthavady, Kerala

Online published on 7 December, 2019.


Leadership is the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. The study identifies the leadership styles which are dominating in the physical education field. For this, total 122 students of physical education courses were selected from various colleges in Kerala. Leadership style questionnaire constructed by Don Clark in 2004 was used as the tool. The questionnaire contains 18 questions which measures 4 leadership styles; detached leader, team leader, socially oriented leader and authoritarian leader. The statistical technique used for the study was percentage analysis. The result of the study reveals that most of the students have the characteristics of team leader. They are very good in making relationships and also dedicated to achieve the team goal. Some of them shows socially oriented leaders and very little number show detached and autocratic leadership. We can improve the leadership qualities by giving them proper opportunities to act as a leader and also by motivating them to take part in the leadership training courses.



Detached Leader, Authoritarian Leader, Socially Oriented Leader.


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