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Guidelines for Sending Manuscript

  1. Paper title, name (s) of the author (s) and address for correspondence should be placed on a separate sheet. The first page of manuscript should include the title only. Author (s) of the manuscripts must send and undertaking that the said manuscript has neither been sent to any other j ournal or to any other publ isher.

  2. Manuscripts submitted to IJPESMES should be divided into the following sections:

    • Title page

    • Abstract

    • Introduction

    • Methods

    • Results

    • Discussion of Findings

    • Conclusions

    • References

    • Tables with captions

    • Figure Legends (if applicable)

  3. Manuscripts should preferably should not be more than 4000 words including abstract. It must typed in MS Word, New Times Roman font in 12 points font size with 1.5 space.

  4. Only soft copy of Manuscripts will be accepted send through mail. Official email ID for sending manuscript for this journal through editor is lnipejournal@gmail.com.

  5. Too much long Table and figures should be avoided, Please also include them separately a part from manuscript. Heading of tables should be numbered by Roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals.

  6. Manuscript must be accompanied by declaration signed by author(s) to the effect that the research paper/article has not been published elsewhere or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it is submitted exclusively to this Journal.

  7. Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and should be given at the end of text as per American Psychological Association (APA) reference style strictly.

  8. Research papers not accepted will not be returned.

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